From Good Reads:
Ryan Cosgrove and Liliana Delgado are on a collision course with destiny. They don’t know it yet, but before the night is over their lives will be forever changed.

Ryan’s got demons, and they’re deep, dark, and eating him alive. Regardless of his attraction to the petite brunette he’s tired of fighting, of pretending the last fifteen years haven’t been a daily struggle just to get out of bed every morning. That night he decides to end his pain, to leave it all behind and float away into the blessed darkness of oblivion. But fate has other plans for him, Lily finds and rescues Ryan, determined she’ll not only save his body, but his soul too.
This is their moment…
This book was a hard read. The subject matter was not light and friendly like most love stories. A moment tore you up and spit you out. My heart shattered every page. For Liliana who tried so hard to be what everyone else needed her to be...yet would have given anything for her son to hug her. For Ryan who had his innoncence shattered by a family member and no one believed him. Except for Alex and Liliana. This book isn't about redemption...really its about moving on from your past. Its about letting the right people in, and letting the wrong people go. This isn't really a happily ever after book...its a happy inspite of book. I think I read this book in three hours bawling the whole time.
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