Review Policy

What kind of books do you accept for review?
I actually read almost anything. I tend to gravitate towards YA though. Paranormal, dystopian, coming of age, silly, romance...just about anything in the YA genre. I also read Paranormal, Christian, Romance, Some Science Fiction, Some Non Fiction, and the occasional Biography if the person interests me. I also have a almost 10 year old daughter, so I have been known to read tween fiction and non fiction as well...gotta keep those AR scores up=) No Self Published or Erotica!!!!
What about e-books and audiobooks?
I love E-books, have a Kindle Fire HD, and have Nook on my computer. But I can't stand to be read too so Audio Books are out.
What should I do before making a request?
Look through my past reviews. If you don't like what I have to say when I don't like it. You need not apply. I am not mean, but I am brutally honest.
What if I don’t hear from you?
I am single, hard working Mom. Give me at least two weeks before you get worried. I am a pretty fast reader...but some books take me awhile to read because of how they are written, or just the content itself. I read through the first three books of the twilight books at lightening speed. I don't think it took me more than a couple days to get through them, but the last one took me almost a month. It was a hard read for me...because their was so much to consume...content wise.
What do you do other than reviews?
I'm happy to host Author Q&A's and giveaways. But I will not advertise a book without first reading it and reviewing on it.
What if you don’t like the book?
Even if I don't like the book. I will give an honest effort to read the whole book. And post my honest opinion of the book. You must remember that everyone has a right to their opinion. And while I may dislike it someone reading my review may read it and love it. Remember like publicity, good or bad its all the same...someone is reading what you worked hard on... and that in itself is an accomplishment. 
What if you really don’t like the book?
I will always do my best to read the whole book. But in the case where I don't. I will pass it on to another reviewer, in hopes they will be a better match than I.
Where will your review be posted?
All reviews will be posted here, goodreads, and amazon.
When will your review be posted?
Although I cannot guarantee how quickly I will read and review books, I do my best to review ARCs before or shortly after their publication date; other review copies are reviewed in the order they are received. If the date I post my review is important, let me know, and we can work out a schedule, but I need a good leeway time.
Okay, I’ve read this page. How do I submit a request for a review?
Thank you so much for the interest. If you would like me to review your book please do not hesitate to email me at or fill out the form on the request page.


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