Q: If you could hang out with any author (living) who would it be and what would you want to do?
This is really hard. Their are so many Authors that I absolutely so many authors, but if I have to choose just one I think it would be... Laurell K Hamilton

She writes a series I have been reading since the summer before I turned 19. She is the reason I started reading paranormal/ scifi books. Anita Blake became the girl I wish I was. In the series she was so Kick
ass butt, yet so fragile at the same time. As the series went on, I couldn't wait first the next book. Most of her books I have pre ordered. I follow Ms. Hamilton on Facebook, and I love that she writes about her writing struggles for us to see. Just to be inside her head would be so exciting!!!
Nice pick! :)
new follower
:) great pick. Thanks for stopping by Love.Life.Read today.
Happy Reading!
Thanks so much for visiting. I have some Hamilton in my library -- but I don't think I've ever read any. I'll have to put that on my list. Happy Reading!
Awww super cute answer!
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Thanks for stopping by my post. Following you on Twitter, Facebook, GFC and Goodreads. Have a great weekend!
I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't read any of her books, but I've heard such awesome things. New follower. Thanks for visiting my FFF.
LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA
Thank you!!! And Thank you for following:)
Miss Hamilton definitely needs to be on the to read list:)
Why Thank You, And thanks For the follow!!!
Thanks Miss Georgie for all your follows:)
Don't be ashamed, I won't tell and If you read them now, no one will know.;)
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